Stephen Willacy
Stephen brings a rich and unique set of competences to the table, combining international experiences as a practicing architect and urbanist, teaching and research and most recently as a leading civil servant in Aarhus City Council

Photographer: Uwe Lehmann

Stephen has been partner in the internationally acclaimed Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects with responsibilities for starting up their offices in London, UK and Shanghai, China; Associate Professor and researcher at Aarhus School of Architecture, Guest Professor at Arizona State University, USA, and currently as honorary professor at The University of Dundee, Scotland; and the last 8,5 years working as Chief City Architects at Aarhus City Council.
These experiences enable a deep appreciation and understanding of the challenges and potentials regarding the complexity and many different facets of physical and strategic planning, master-planning, urban design, and demands for achieving high architectural quality place making and the built environment.
Stephen is a frequent lecturer participating in conferences in Denmark and internationally, notably invited by the Danish Ministry og Foreign Affairs to present the virtues of Danish approaches to sustainable development, architecture, urban design, environmental issues, climate change, social inclusion and health and wellbeing in urban realm always with focus upon achieving high quality placemaking. He contributes regularly in with articles in different media. Members of The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, member of the Society of Artists, member of the Danish Association of Architects and architectural judge in competitions, examiner at Aarhus School of Architecture. Chartered Member of The Royal Institute of Architects, Architects Registration Board and The Academy of Urbanism.
Stephen brings a rich and unique set of competences to the table, combining international experiences as a practicing architect and urbanist, teaching and research and most recently as a leading civil servant in Aarhus City Council
Stephen has been partner in the internationally acclaimed Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects with responsibilities for starting up their offices in London, UK and Shanghai, China; Associate Professor and researcher at Aarhus School of Architecture, Guest Professor at Arizona State University, USA, and currently as honorary professor at The University of Dundee, Scotland; and the last 8,5 years working as Chief City Architects at Aarhus City Council.
These experiences enable a deep appreciation and understanding of the challenges and potentials regarding the complexity and many different facets of physical and strategic planning, master-planning, urban design, and demands for achieving high architectural quality place making and the built environment.
Stephen is a frequent lecturer participating in conferences in Denmark and internationally, notably invited by the Danish Ministry og Foreign Affairs to present the virtues of Danish approaches to sustainable development, architecture, urban design, environmental issues, climate change, social inclusion and health and wellbeing in urban realm always with focus upon achieving high quality placemaking. He contributes regularly in with articles in different media. Members of The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, member of the Society of Artists, member of the Danish Association of Architects and architectural judge in competitions, examiner at Aarhus School of Architecture. Chartered Member of The Royal Institute of Architects, Architects Registration Board and The Academy of Urbanism.

Photographer: Uwe Lehmann